List of Bot commands
- #bot help - show this help.
- #bot help create - Better details how to create a bot.
- #bot group info - Gives group information.
- #bot showstats - Gives current bot stats.
You have to enter name, class, race, and gender, all on the same line.
For example, #bot create Gandolf Ranger WoodElf male
Available Classes and Races:
16 Classes: Warrior, Cleric, Paladin, Ranger, Shadowknight, Druid, Monk, Bard, Rogue, Shaman, Necromancer, Wizard, Magician, Enchanter, Beastlord, Berserker
16 Races: Human, Barbarian, Erudite, WoodElf, HighElf, DarkElf, HalfElf, Dwarf, Troll, Ogre, Halfling, Gnome, Froglok, Iksar, Vahshir, Drakkin
- Usage: #bot create [name] [class] [race] [gender(male or female)] - create permanent bot. See #bot help create.
- #bot change [face], [hair], [haircolor], [beard], [beardcolor], [eyes] and <value> - Change your Bots appearance.
- #bot spawn [bot name] - spawn your bot by name (use #bot list to see your bots).
You can still spawn your bot by id. This was left in so so old warriors didn't have to learn new tricks.
- #bot groupspawn - spawns and groups the last bots you were playing with.
- #bot spawngroup #bot savegroup - Details on spawning/saving multiple groups below.
- #bot spawngroup [20] and up - spawns and groups any of the requested group numbers, defaults to 20. If you use just plain #bot spawngroup, it will spawn your default group 20, which is what you started with.
- #bot savegroup [20] and up - saves or changes to the requested group number (0 -19 are used for raid groups).
GroupIDs 0-19 are reserved for raid groups and can only be used in forming raid groups.
For single group play, save to group ids of 20 or higher; here you can make/save multiple group configurations, and repetitions of the same bot in other groups is allowed.
- #bot showgroups [normal] [raid] - Displays your list of bots with their groups that are saved in the database.
- #bot delete - completely destroy forever the targeted bot and all its items.
- #bot list [all/class(1-16)] - list your bots all or by class. Classes: 1(Warrior), 2(Cleric), 3(Paladin), 4(Ranger), 5(Shadowknight), 6(Druid), 7(Monk), 8(Bard), 9(Rogue), 10(Shaman), 11(Necromancer), 12(Wizard), 13(Magician), 14(Enchanter), 15(Beastlord), 16(Berserker)
- #bot add - make the targetted bot join your group.
- #bot follow [close] or [normal] - Your bot(s) will follow you at your heels or at a distance away for certain situations.
- #bot guard - Commands your bot(s) to stay put.
- #bot attack (target) - Commands your bot(s) to attack target.
- #bot assist (target) - Changes your bot group to attack your new target during a melee encounter.
- #bot single assist (target) - Changes one melee bot to attack your new target.
- #bot taunt [on/off/warrior/paladin/sk/ranger/bard] - Sets taunt skill.
- #bot set [snare] [on] or [off], [root] [on] or [off], [banter] [on | off] [1-100], [battleheal] [on] or [off] - enable/disable root, snare, battleheal and bot-talk.
The 1-100 allows for refined control over how common the banter (bot chit-chat) occurs. It defaults to 5 initially but you can change it at any time.
- #bot buffs - List buffs on your targeted bot.
- #bot disbandgroup - forces the disbandment of your current group.
Also use this when you get the message "bots still in zone" and they aren't. Saves you from having to re-log.
- #bot inventory list - show the inventory (and the slots IDs) of the targeted bot.
- #bot unequip [slot name] or [slotid] - remove the item at the given slot in the inventory of the targeted bot.
- #bot remove [slot name] or [slotid] - same as unequip.
Valid arguments for slot name: Primary, Secondary, Charm, Left Ear, Head, Face, Right Ear, Neck, Shoulders, Arms, Back,Left Wrist, Right Wrist, Range, Hands, Left Finger, Right Finger, Chest, Legs, Feet, Waist, Ammo.
- #bot duck - Causes your bots to duck.
- #bot stand - Causes your bots to stand.
- #bot inspect on/off - Enables or disables viewing your bots gear.
- #bot armorcolor [slot] [red] [green] [blue] - Will tint your bots armor to a color of your choosing.
- #bot title - You can give your bot a last name, guild or whatever tag.
- #bot update - you must type that command once you gain a level.
- #bot summon [bot | group] - It will summon your targeted bot or bot group to you.
- #bot auto mez on/off - Mezzer class will auto-mez adds to the fight.
- #bot auto defend on/off - Bots will attack(defend) if you are attacked.
- #bot mana - Bots will report their mana status to you.
- #bot aggressivecasters [on|off] - set caster bots to melee and cast instead of default cast only after level 12. Level 12 and under they already do this.
- #bot showspells - Displays your targeted bots' spell list.
- #bot rezbot [bot name] - Resurrects your dead bot.
- #bot battlerez [botsname] - Periodically resurrect your fallen bots during battle.
- #ldonDisarm [bot name] [trap type] - Disarm an LDoN Chest, Box, or Vase (Example: #ldonDisarm Lefty Mechanical).
- #ldonUnlock [bot name] [trap type] - Disarm an LDoN Chest, Box, or Vase (Example: #ldonUnlock Sally Cursed)
- #bot raid info - will give info of your raid.
- #bot raid [commands] - (#bot raid help will show some help).
- #bot saveraid [agroup], [bgroup], or [cgroup] - Save your current group(s) of bots.
[agroup] should be your primary used raiding groups, [bgroup] and [cgroup] are intended for backups of different raid configurations. So if you wanted to use [cgroup], although you could use it straight up, it's better to save it to [agroup], then use [agroup]. A good idea would be to make changes to [agroup] only, so saving to [bgroup] or [cgoup] later on would keep the different configurations (for later use), and enable you to make a new configuration with [agroup] .
- #bot spawnraid [agroup], [bgroup], or [cgroup] - Spawns your saved bots.
- #bot groupraid [agroup], [bgroup], or [cgroup] - Groups your spawned bots.
- #bot offtank - Automatically selects what it thinks is currently the best available offtank from group/raid and has it disengage its current target and engage the targeted mob.
- #bot raidlag [nolag|lag] - reduces the number of damage/spell messages from bots sent to the client that causes lag in large raids. Default is nolag for bot raids. A single bot group is not affected.
- #bot raid order task attack [bot group leader name] - An entire raid group will off-tank your target.
- #bot raid order [maintank | secondtank | maintarget] - So you assign differnt tasks to tanks.
- For class specific commands, type "bot" and the class (Example: [bot] [cleric]).
--------- Additional Cleric Commands------------
- #bot heal - Heals your target.
- #bot cheal - Complete heals your target, use healers name from any Cleric in your group or raid.
- #bot sheal -Heals your target, use healers name from any Cleric in your group or raid.
- #bot healme - Heals yourself.
- #bot gheal - Heals all of your group.
- #bot resurrectme - Revives your dead character.
- #bot temperance - Buffs your target.
- #bot target calm - Pacifys your target.
- #bot bindme - Binds your target.
- #bot cure [poison | curse | disease | blindness] - cures your target.
- #bot resist - Buffs your target with resist of choice.
- #bot summon food/drink - Summons food or drink to target.
--------- Additional Wizard Commands-------------
- #bot invis - Will make you invisible.
- #bot gate - Port you to certain areas.
- #bot levitate - Provides levitation for your target.
- #bot lore - Cast identify on the item on your mouse pointer.
--------- Additional Ranger Commands-----------
- #bot sow - Will buff any target with SoW.
- #bot track - Opens up a tracking window.
- #bot archery - Causes the ranger to swap to his bow (if he has one).
- #bot endureb - Can breathe under water.
- #bot levitate - Provides levitation for your target.
--------- Additional Druid Commands----------
- #bot gate - Port you to certain areas.
- #bot sow - Will buff any target with SoW.
- #bot endureb - Can breathe under water.
- #bot invis - Will make you invisible.
- #bot track - Opens up a tracking window.
- #bot heal - Heals your target.
- #bot healme - Heals yourself.
- #bot sheal - Heals your target, use healers name from any Druid in your group or raid.
- #bot evac - Evacuates you to a safespot in the zone.
- #bot cure [poison | curse | disease | blindness] - Cures your target.
- #bot resist - Buffs your target with resist of choice.
- #bot charm - Turns your target into the bots pet.
- #bot levitate - Provides levitation for your target.
- #bot skin - Buffs target with hitpoints and more and more.
- #bot summon food/drink - Summons food or drink to target.
--------- Additional Shaman Commands---------
- #bot sow - Will buff any target with SoW.
- #bot invis - Will make you invisible.
- #bot heal - Heals your target.
- #bot healme - Heals yourself.
- #bot endureb - Can breathe under water.
- #bot cure [poison | curse | disease | blindness] - Cures your target.
- #bot resist - Buffs your target with resist of choice.
- #bot slow - Slows your targets attack rate.
- #bot shrink - Shrinks your target.
- #bot levitate - Provides levitation for your target.
- #bot summon food/drink - Summons food or drink to target.
--------- Additional Necromancer Commands-------
- #bot levitate - Provides levitation for your target.
- #bot invis - Will make you invisible.
- #bot charm - Turns your target into the bots pet.
- #bot summon corpse - Summons your targets characters corpse to your feet.
- #bot lore - Cast identify on the item on your mouse pointer.
- #bot subvent - Feeds mana to target.
--------- Additional Enchanter Commands------------
- #bot endureb - Can breathe under water.
- #bot levitate - Provides levitation for your target.
- #bot slow - Slows your targets attack rate.
- #bot target calm - Pacify your target.
- #bot rune - Buffs your target with the Run shield.
- #bot charm - Turns your target into the bots pet.
- #bot dire charm - Turns your target into the bots permanent pet.
- #bot ai mez - Will stop attacks for a short time.
- #bot tash - Cast Tashan type spell on target.
- #bot windtash - Cast AE Wind of Tashani types on target.
--------- Additional Beastlord Commands-----------
- #bot slow - Slows your targets attack rate.
- #bot sow - Will buff any target with SoW.
- #bot levitate - Provides levitation for your target.
- #bot shrink - Shrinks your target.
- #bot summon food/drink - Summons food or drink to target.
-------- Additional Magician Commands-----------
- #bot invis - Will make you invisible.
- #bot magepet - Select which pet type you want.
- #bot levitate - Provides levitation for your target.
- #bot lore- Cast identify on the item on your mouse pointer.
- #bot summon food/drink - Summons food or drink to target.
- #bot petgear- Summons Magician gear for your pet.
- #bot magepic - Summons Magician epic orb (requires epic quest for Bot).
--------- Additional Bard Commands----------
- #bot track - Opens up a tracking window.
- #bot selos on/off - Will automatically start or stop Bard speed.
--------- Additional Rogue Commands---------
- #bot archery - Causes the Rogue to swap to his bow (if he has one).
- #bot picklock - Opens locked doors.
--------- Additional Paladin Commands----------
- #bot layonhands - Completely heals your target.
--------- Additional Shadowknight Commands----------
- #bot harmtouch - Does serious harm to your target.